Verified Professionals

What is Directree verified?

The Directree approved logo verifies that the business possesses all the qualifications, accreditations and insurances that are listed on their Directree page.

How it works

Directree allows the ‘Verified’ logo to be used only by those businesses who have provided us with copies of supporting documents (i.e. certificates of qualification, insurance certificates etc.) and where we have confirmed their credentials.

We ask for resubmission of supporting documents at their expiry date so you can be sure that our records are always up to date. If someone is displaying the Directree logo on for example their vehicles, equipment or website, you can check on that their verification is still valid.

If you have any doubts about the credentials of anyone who is ‘Directree verified’, please contact us at Complaints with regards to works carried out should not be made to us but to the trade association or professional body that the ‘Directree verified’ business belongs to.